11/11 World Peace Retreat Day
& Benefit Concert
Celebrating us for generating over $1700 so far for the House Of Ruth Charity!
To help us break $2000 AND get your Turn On Your Magic Bundle (Over $1000 Value) donate below by Nov 13 @ 5pm PST đŸ‘‡
This is what you get in the Turn On Your Magic Digital Bundle when you donate:
Ankhara Rose
Sacred Sound Ceremonialist
Shadow Voices is a 3-part Experiential Masterclass for Women to tap into their Authentic Expression of Grief, Rage + Fear!
Karen Kay
Fairy & Mermaid Whisperer
Get three magical meditation tracks including Healing With Your Spirit Guide
Desirée Dunbar
Dance Ceremonialist
30 Days Of Violet Healing is a magical portal of 30 guided meditations that will amplify your spiritual gifts!
Dani Frederick
Musical Heartist
Vocal Reclamation is an online journey into your vocal brilliance: rediscover the power of your voice as medicinal balm for humanity
DeAnna Carpenter
Healing Artist
This powerful audio meditation will guide you home to your Inner Temple
Theda Phoenix
Intuitive Song Oracle
Download your Crystal Sound Bliss sound healing audio to realign with high frequencies
Arlyn Ruddy
Sound Meditation X Hip Hop Artist
Embody high frequencies with this powerful and deeply nourishing sound landscape and visual journey
The Turn On Your Magic Digital Bundle disappears Nov 13 @ 5pm PST. Choose your donation amount above and get instant access!
Here is your 48 hr Replay!
Program Order
Desirée Welcome
Ankhara Rose
Karen Kay
Desirée 11:11 Meditation
Dani Frederick
DeAnna Carpentar
House Of Ruth Charity
Theda Phoenix
Arlyn Ruddy
Desirée Closing
Blessed Be!

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